HIPAA compliant

MRM staff are members of ARMA, NAID, PRISM.

Hopefully, this isn’t happening to you.

When confronted with proper document management, many people are at a loss. It’s not like anyone is born with the knowledge of what to keep, what to store, what to shred, and what to move off-site for now. The good news is that we here at Montana Records Management can save you from something like this:

The VA Inspector General reported Thursday that the VBA office in Winston-Salem has so many backlogged claims that employees have stacked 37,000 paper files on top of file cabinets in mounds two feet high. Files also were stored on the floor and stacked in boxes along the walls, the IG said.

It doesn’t get any crazier than that. We sincerely hope you aren’t faced with something similar at your office, but even if you are, we’re here to help. With our complete solutions, from  off-site, 24/7 accessible document warehouse, to shredding, to training your employees, and even working with your to develop and administer a retention program appropriate for your business, we can help. Contact us today to find out how!

I am pleased to announce that Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC. (NYSE: IRM) has recently acquired the Records Management of Montana Records Management, LLP. Please let this letter serve as both official notification of the change in ownership and as a warm welcome to Iron Mountain.